This Is All You Need to Know about Mobile App Fraud

Mobile app fraud to remain a key security concern in 2021

We’ve come a long way from the onset of the Internet in the nation. From desktops to laptops, from telephones to smartphones, from LANs to mobile internet, from browsers to applications, we’re on the cusp of the digital revolution. Long gone are days of internet activities done on computers, thanks to the smartphone revolution, the majority of people now use a mobile device to browse the internet.

To make consumer’s life easy, brands are now revolutionizing the digital game by converting and acquiring a new user base by providing them with a seamless experience on their hands via mobile applications.

This switch in trend has also triggered a major challenge- smartphones have now become a breeding ground for scammers to defraud marketers, brands, and customers alike. With the onset of the pandemic, people have moved online and fraudulent transactions on smartphone apps have gone four-fold in recent years

What is mobile app fraud?

A fraudulent or a fake app are those applications that are created by fraudsters that mimic legitimate apps available on the Play store. The aim of these fraudsters is to mislead people about the actual app and trigger them to download these fake applications.

Although most fraudulent applications are downloaded from third-party sources most of them also land on authentic Play Stores. These fake apps are responsible for injecting malware into your phones which can damage not only the operating system but can also compromise your privacy; passwords, photos, credit card information, identity, etc., in short stealing your data.

As much it is important for users to protect themselves from these malicious threats, imagine the risk a brand has with respect to its reputation? A brand’s reputation is important to a brand’s success. Therefore, it is imperative for businesses of all kinds to monitor these fake apps and third-party sources for malicious apps and should be reported using the right tool. Such instances hamper your brand’s safety and reputation even if you have no relation to these applications.

Mobile app fraud affecting your marketing funnel

The Rise in digital advertising budgets owing to digitization requires marketers to remain vigilant of mobile app fraud issues which can hamper their efforts. Since fraudsters aim at claiming the advertising revenue, by generating fake installs these bad actors are defrauding all the stakeholders along the advertising chain.

These fake installs misrepresent the data, therefore, affecting your marketing efforts. In most cases, skewed campaign results leave marketers wondering where they went wrong with their install campaign.

Professional tools help you protect from such vulnerabilities and help better your marketing efforts thus ensuring better, bigger, and safer campaigns. Get in touch with us to ensure your campaign’s integrity.


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