eCom Platform Marketing Service: “Everything Everywhere All At Once”

Yes, you read it right. But we are not going to talk about an Oscar-winning movie. It is about a complete Marketing console in one place, eCommerce Platform Marketing Services like what Amazon provides for its sellers.

The eCommerce giant Amazon has expanded and enhanced the services for its shoppers and sellers alike. The integrated comprehensive marketing console, Amazon Marketing Service (AMS), helps Seller control and monitor how the product does on the platform and organize what it needs to boost performance. The collection for several Amazon services for sellers, AMS has tools for Amazon Sponsored Brands, Amazon Sponsored product management, and Amazon Display Ads.

But the question is – Is it enough for the brands and sellers?1

Let’s take a deeper look at the platform marketing services and highlight ways to optimize services like AMS.

What does AMS do? Why does it need optimization?

While all other eCommerce platforms are evolving in terms of Advertising Services provided, Amazon is leading or could say dominating in it. The massive presence of Amazon in the eCommerce Retail domain led to the rise of a fiercely ecommerce competitive landscape. As a brand, business, or seller here you are running against thousands of others running a race against every evolving algorithm.

To stand apart and reap high profits, brands need to advertise with a clear understanding of segments and competition.

Platform Marketing Services like AMS Provides Complete Amazon Advertising Console Support for Amazon Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brand Ads, and Amazon Sponsored Displays.

The competition is fierce in a global marketplace like Amazon. Most online advertising platforms allow you to pay for impressions and clicks but Amazon takes a different approach. As it provides an option to choose how much you want to pay when a shopper clicks on the ads.

This provides hands-on control over the ad budget. This also impacts the conversion rates based on the strong purchasing intent of the audience. They also streamline it to provide advertising reports. They may not be the best ones to get deeper insights into customers’ search patterns, but they are extremely useful to understand what works for you and what doesn’t.

This created the need for optimization of marketing services provided by the platform to save time and money along with enhancing brand recognition.

Challenges for Sellers using Amazon Marketing Service

  • No Visibility of High-Performing Keywords​:

Identifying high-performing keywords plays an essential role in making effective campaigns and efficient product display pages. Building a comprehensive keyword bidding strategy is key to the upscale product. Brands or Sellers must be aware of high-performing keywords that work or don’t work.

  • Time-consuming and prone to manual errors:

The need for an auto-generated response is key to reducing the time consumed and mitigating errors caused by manual entries. Tracking performance and managing optimizations can lead to greater achievements.

  • No Standardized Automated Process:

Standardized processes are needed to avoid hit & trail elements like keywords bidding. High returns are expected if the standard processes and data-driven decisions are used for AMS.

  • Missed Opportunities with Uncertain Returns​:

Ambiguous returns of advertising campaigns need to be consolidated and sustained with a clear process in place to boost advertising performance.

Perks Of Platform Marketing Service Optimization Optimize Ad Campaign- Reduce Ad Spend

Optimization of Platform Marketing Services empowers eCommerce Platform Advertising Campaigns. Full-fledged coverage is provided from setting up your different Ad Campaigns (Own, Competition, Generic) and managing your budget in Ad Groups via AI-based Automated System.

  • Advanced Automated Solution raises your advertising game
  • Crystal Clear Data for better understanding to drive overall sales
  • Business decisions driven via actionable insights lead to sustained growth
  • Saves hours of manual work by bypassing Amazon Advertising complexities

1. AI-driven marketing Optimization

Amazon Advertising Campaigns gets a boost through AI & ML, keeps track of the performance of the keywords and help adjusts your campaign budget to maximize your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS). The sophisticated AI is used to automatically turn competitor keyword bidding ON/OFF depending on the stock availability of the competitor.

  • Completely Automated Process
  • Product code Bidding
  • Keyword Bidding
  • Comprehensive Budget Planning

2. Continuous Optimization of Keywords

Identifying and monitoring keywords should be a continuous process as the bids need to be optimized according to the keyword performance change. The use of AI can turn on/off bids on keywords, based on Keyword performance. The campaign performance can be optimized by bidding on high-performing keywords. Brands or sellers need to be aware of keyword performance on a real-time basis to optimize the campaign and avoid waste of ad spending. The Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) can be optimized with an automated process in place.

3. Effectively Optimizing Ad Budget

Platform Marketing Service Optimization boosts campaign performance not just by optimizing Campaign Spends and deciding what amount to spend but also how and when to spend it. The click and traffic analysis can help generate automated bid prices and empower budget shuffle across multiple ad campaigns for optimal ad spend utilization.

4.  Adding Value to Brands

The optimization of advertising services raises the brand’s advertising game. Plugging in automated solutions for optimization can add value to the services. Improvement in ROAS and Conversion Rate is a key value addition to the brand performance with data-driven decision-making. The automation of the process reduces advertising complexities and saves several hours of manual work.

Final Thoughts

Marketing on eCommerce platforms has eased with comprehensive marketing services provided by the platform but that’s too much manual work considering the massive number of products and wide geography to cover. The Optimization of platform marketing services automate systems and reduce ad budget by making ad campaign more effective. mScanIt eCommerce Platform optimization tool can help guide brands or sellers to automate and optimize advertising strategies on the eCommerce platforms. With the pace at which advertising is evolving, it’s important to get hold of things swiftly as any lag in strategy can push back your brand way behind other sellers or brands.

The digital commerce universe is so much bigger than you realize. Brands need to gear up with the right tools like digital commerce intelligence solution, and eCom platform market services optimization to ace the ad campaign and drive more sales across the digital landscape.

Get in Touch for more information.


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