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Sentinel+ | Identity Scan

Trusted by the World’s Biggest Digital-Front Brands

Sentinel Plus Identity Scan – Your Trusted Partner in the Digital Landscape

Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Conduct a thorough evaluation of various aspects of profiles. Evaluate and analyse social profiles based on open-source intelligence and AI-ML-driven risk assessment and risk monitoring.  

Web & mFilterIt Repository Scan

Harness the power of advanced AI and ML algorithms to scan the web and our extensive database for consumer profiling. Gather intelligence to validate the customer and build a deeper understanding of user behaviors and potential risks within the bounds of privacy regulations and guidelines. 

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Open-Source Intelligence Technology

Utilize the cutting-edge technology to extract and validate data using open-source intelligence network. We deploy sophisticated algorithms for precise and reliable profile data that can contribute to a more accurate risk assessment.

User Profile Creation

Seamlessly aggregate and analyze data points to create detailed user profiles. With consolidated information such as social media activity, identify data leakage, e-commerce presence, and relevant details. This facilitates a more nuanced understanding of the potential risks associated.

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Actionable Insights

Receive detailed reports with risk scores and actionable recommendations after completion of the assessment process. These insights empower stakeholders to make data-driven decisions regarding risk mitigation strategies and enable them to proactively address potential threats.

Protect From Transaction Laundering with Identity Validation