Ritu Khanna

Ad Fraud Detection

Do You Think Ad Fraud Detection on Mobile Attribution Platforms is Enough?

Mobile attribution platforms are present to report performance measurement, attribution, and analytics on your campaigns. These platforms are essential to get relevant business insights and efficiently analyze the App performance campaigns. If these platforms are not present, the advertisers will be unaware of the whereabouts of their payouts made to their networks. However, the advertiser must also ensure that they are not paying for fraudulent transactions. Most of the attribution platforms claim to provide fraud detection tools which are often bundled with their attribution services. However, the question is whether the fraud detected on mobile attribution platforms is enough. Though the attribution platforms are providing fraud detection solutions, there is often a gap between the fraud detected and the actual ad fraud. In this blog, learn how attribution platforms fail in detecting actual fraud and why your brand needs an expert to prevent the consequences of ad fraud. 1. Bundled Package Schemes The biggest attribution platforms or the MMP run on a revenue model where the billing is done on the attributed data. However, some attribution platforms also offer additional services of ad fraud detection and prevention solutions to their consumers. But there is a loophole. The attribution platforms bill the advertisers on the attribution data and due to ad fraud detection, the revenue eventually reduces. To create a balance between the attribution and the ad fraud, they choose to miss the actual fraud traffic coming. This further results in the loss of the advertiser’s money as they are paying for the fraud detection and attribute data to the MMPs along with the fraud traffic coming from SIVT, organic hijacking, and business compliance frauds. 2. Ad Fraud Detection In relevance to the above case, the ad fraud detection solutions provided by the attribution platform often claim to detect fraud up to 20%. However, ad fraud is still present in up to 50-60% of the ad traffic they claim to be clean. In this case, the advertisers are under the impression that the fraud on their ad campaigns has been detected and prevented. But the reality is that they are still paying for the ad traffic coming from bots and click injection. 3. Offering Make Your Rules Benefit Along with providing ad fraud solutions, the attribution platforms also offer one of their best-selling USPs – “customers can customize their rules to detect ad fraud”. This means they can decide under what criteria they want to detect ad fraud. For instance: An ‘X’ customer wants to detect ad fraud location-wise”. However, in this case, there is a major gap between the ad fraud detected and the actual ad fraud happening. However, the advertisers may detect the bot traffic coming from an irrelevant location outside their selected locations where the ad is supposed to serve. However, the advertisers are not ad fraud experts and cannot detect sophisticated bots that are coming every day. This further results in a loss of time and money for the advertiser on the ad traffic which is not benefitting them in any way. How mFilterIt Offers a Solution Full-Funnel Ad Fraud Detection At mFilterIt, we run a full-funnel ad fraud detection on ad campaigns to track sophisticated bot patterns and take immediate measures. This helps prevent the impacts of bot traffic on ad campaigns in the future and saves the waste of advertisers’ money on invalid traffic. Quick Action on New Detected Bots When we detect a new ‘bot’ in an ad campaign of an X customer, our first step is to identify that bot in the campaigns of other customers and flag them on every customer’s ad campaign. Proactive Reporting Some of the attribution platforms provide the ad fraud report on a D-7 basis. This means that if the ad campaign is detected till the 20th of a month, then the advertiser will receive the report on the 28th of that month. During this time, the advertiser is in a constant dilemma to understand the actual ad fraud detected in their ad campaigns. This further delays the possible preventative measures that could have been taken against ad fraud. However, we provide D-1 data, which means that if the ad campaign is analyzed till the 20th of the month, the advertiser gets the report on the 21st of the month. This helps the advertiser to understand the possible impact of ad fraud and take preventative measures immediately without wasting further ad spending on irrelevant traffic. Conclusion MMPs claim to provide ad fraud solutions but for many reasons, they miss a high percentage of fraud. This further impacts the performance of ad campaigns and forces you to keep investing in fraud traffic. On the other hand, an ad fraud prevention and detection solution like mFilterIt not only detects ad fraud at the early stages but also ensures to prevention of its impact on your campaigns in the future. Get in touch to learn more about Ad fraud detection

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Are You Using Your Digital Marketing Budgets for Paying Your Offline Orders?

Yes, this is one of the digital ad frauds that the affiliate networks are doing, and the advertisers end up paying for orders that are not online orders. As a result, offline orders get cannibalized into online orders, and marketing budgets are drained. Apart from the loss of digital marketing budgets, the advertiser pays online offers/discounts for these offline orders. How is this Fraud Happening? In the below graph, a fraud affiliate has used a Bot to send spiked traffic during a specific hour of the day to control the conversion ratio. However, orders are placed during the whole day from two devices only. As a result, the flat line conversion rate is at 26%, in which orders are coming from two devices (offline cannibalizing). However, the spiked traffic conversion rate is 2%, in which orders are all coming from the same two devices. This clarifies that this traffic is purposely spiked in this hour to control the overall conversion ratio. Actual repetitive events are coming from visits. Moreover, these visits are from the same desktop and IP, which indicates that the visits are coming from the exact location, and offline orders are getting punched in. These orders can be cash on deliveries and canceled at any time or a meager value that adds nothing to the bottom line. What Does the Network Achieve? ● Advertisers Make Payouts Affiliates team up with the retailer to earn commission from advertisers by completing the KPIs of a campaign by unethical means, which are other than digital sources. This happens when a retailer places orders using affiliate and referral links. The affiliate receives a monetary benefit from the advertiser for delivering high conversion rates or confirmed orders. Moreover, most affiliates receive a fixed payout from the advertiser for delivering confirmed purchases. But, on the other hand, the “order value” is not often set. Therefore, the affiliate could receive a payout of Rs 20,000 or Rs 200/100 order, whereas the order value could be as low as Rs 50/order or Rs 5,000 for 100 orders. Assuming the affiliate pays a fixed amount to the retailer for placing the order, let’s say Rs 5,000, the fraudulent affiliate still makes Rs 15,000. Moreover, the retailer can place CODs and reject or cancel online orders. So, the advertiser might not even receive money but must make payouts to the fraud affiliate. Therefore, the advertiser loses money for non-online orders. ● Loss of Commission/Offer/Discount on Online Orders The retailer partnered up with the affiliates to get a better-discounted value on their sale. They also can resell the products to their offline customers at the MRP. As a result, the retailer is making money by reselling products and even receives money from the fraud affiliate for placing the orders. mFilterIt & Ad Fraud Solution checks for retailers creating multiple fake profiles on e-commerce apps by detecting their location and device as it remains constant. By detecting such anomalies, brands can avoid cannibalizing their online orders and making commission payouts for offline orders to fraudulent retailers. What Losses Do Advertisers Incur? ● Offline Orders Get Cannibalized The retailer orders for multiple customers by creating various profiles with a single delivery location. Therefore, the retailer cannibalizes online orders offline and makes additional money by reselling at MRP to offline customers after availing of online discounts/offers. On the other hand, the brand suffers a loss as it doesn’t expand its customer base. Moreover, the advertiser fails to explore the scope of areas with the demand, as the existing customer base lies with the retailer. Furthermore, the advertiser only receives a signal that a single location has high demand when the reality is different. ● Digital Marketing Budgets Incur Offline Order Payments Through their digital marketing budget, brands make payouts to affiliates and retailers. As mentioned earlier, the retailer places the order using the fraud affiliate and resources, and the fraud affiliate shares a portion of the earned commission with the retailer. Moreover, the retailer will likely resell these orders at MRP to offline customers and earn more money from the sale. There were no payouts required for these offline orders as the affiliate is incentivizing retailers for placing orders, a.k.a., incentive fraud. Furthermore, the affiliate hides the peaking conversion rate by using bots to deliver high traffic within certain time intervals. For example, an affiliate spikes 1000 visits using bots and displays a 100% conversion rate. As such, CVR can never achieve its full scale. On the other hand, legit affiliates have a 1-1.5% CVR. Therefore, such a high CVR indicates ad fraud and is only done by fraud affiliates to hide their fraud CVR. In reality, the fraud affiliate might be using 100 visits to deliver 100 purchases. Therefore, advertisers are losing the marketing budgets by paying commissions to fraud affiliates and retailers. ● Derails Reachability to Potential New Customers The fraud affiliate uses a retailer to create multiple profiles and place orders at the exact location. As a result, the advertiser fails to build a new customer base. Moreover, the customer base created by the advertiser is also displaying falsified information, as the same retailer creates the profile. Additionally, we can say that fake users also avail of discounts/ offers. Moreover, the advertiser pays a commission to the fraud affiliate for delivering bot traffic and not a single customer. Such partnerships between affiliates and retailers drain the marketing budget to attract legitimate customers from different locations. Furthermore, the advertiser may attract zero customers if the retailer cancels the orders. Takeaway Partnerships between affiliates and retailers are cannibalizing offline orders as online. As a result, brands and advertisers lose their marketing budgets to commission payouts. Also, it leads to warped marketing analytics and polluted business numbers. Putting an end to this is possible by detecting ad fraud, especially incent fraud in marketing campaigns. mFilterIt ad fraud solution detects any sudden spike in online traffic and displays the source credentials to advertisers. As a result, advertisers can recognize the fraud affiliate and attract a new

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Reseller Fraud Is Costing You More Than Just Your Ad Budget – Know Why?

The pandemic brought a massive shift in the behavior of a shopper. When the entire world was inside their homes, eCommerce brands became the talk of the town. Every retailer wants to be seen online to reach their desired target audience. During this time, the trend of resellers also took a high pace. A reseller is a person who buys the product in bulk from a wholesaler or retailer and sells it to their own audience usually at a profit. Reselling became a popular option for people for its seamless process and no upfront investment requirement. However, seeing an industry growing the fraudsters also don’t take a setback. Reseller Fraud in The Rise There have been some cases where the resellers are found to be using the discounts the wholesalers provide for the customers on online purchases. The reseller avails these D2C discounts which an end customer is only eligible to make bulk purchases online, instead of buying from the wholesaler. This eventually ruptures the retail chain of the advertiser. The reseller abuses these discounts by employing bots and buys the product from the retailer in bulk at a lower price. Later they resell them at a higher margin to gain benefits and increase their revenue. Real Case: One of the Leading FMCG Brands The brand launched a program for one of its most demanding products. They planned to offer a discount of 15% off to their users. As the limit was to order only one quantity per order, it was detected that there were multiple orders of the same product in a day We further analyzed and detected: The same users were fraudulently making repeat purchases or purchasing bulk orders using the discounts available for retail consumers. Coupons and vouchers were manipulated and abused using scamming practices. Offers usually only valid for first-time users were used repeatedly by multiple email ids/phone numbers. What Brand Lose Due to Reseller Fraud? Friction in Genuine Users: Due to bulk purchases by resellers, the genuine users see a stock out and lose interest in buying from the brand. And when they see the same product available with a third party selling at an inflated price, it directly impacts the consumer’s loyalty to the brand. The users think that the brand doesn’t care about the consumer’s needs and safety which further impacts the brand’s image. Skewed Analytics: Not just the brand image, but the entire growth of the brand is impacted due to reseller fraud. Due to vigorous reseller activities, the brand doesn’t understand the real demand for the product in the market and how much to invest for scaling. This results in a discrepancy in the supply chain of the retailer. mFilterIt’s Way to Combat Reseller Fraud Resellers commit this fraud as organic users and, in some cases, the orders are placed by traffic coming from paid sources/publishers. As a result, the publisher enjoys the payout on the order placed and the resellers take advantage of high discounts on their purchases and an additional commission from the publisher. At mFilterIt, we use the capabilities of AI, ML, and data science to detect these discrepancies in the order placed. We do a deep check on the traffic sources based on information like: Customer/Delivery addresses Customer mobile number Coupon code used Ordered product information – Popular/Unpopular items Further, with our CRM API, we marked the order statuses as Clean or Fraud in the CRM itself. This eventually gives clarity to the retailer to deliver only clean orders placed by genuine users. Stop The Reseller Abuse Reseller abuse not only costs the marketer its revenue, but it also punishes the loyal consumers. Due to resellers placing bulk orders, the prices inflate, and the consumers have to pay more for the same product. Therefore, taking strict action against the reseller must be a priority for the retailers. To ensure that the consumers and brand image are not impacted due to reseller abuse, the retailers must partner with a holistic ad traffic validation solution. The traffic verification suite must be capable of not only weeding out invalid traffic but also reducing the friction amongst consumers and improving the overall customer experience. Validate and protect your brand from reseller abuse with our advanced solutions. Contact our experts today at contact@mfilterit.com or +91-981 0310 660.

Reseller Fraud Is Costing You More Than Just Your Ad Budget – Know Why? Read More »


Are You Looking for Your Brand Keywords Manually?

Are you searching for your brand name and brand keywords on Google manually? Trying to find who is bidding on your keywords or trying to analyze your competitors and affiliates? Do you also ponder upon how your and your competitor’s ad is placed on the google search engine? Well, it is fairly common that your competition is using your brand keywords and is taking away a part of your organic traffic. In fact, your affiliates are also using your brand keywords to run your campaigns while charging a heap of money and end up stealing your organic traffic. But that’s not all, there is much more you could possibly lose, other than organic traffic loss, you’re significantly paying twice as much for acquiring a user and your bidding cost is hitting the sky which is further making your marketing budgets go for a toss. But, have you wondered why is it that you are paying twice for acquiring a user? You are already bidding on your keyword to acquire a user and when the affiliate uses your keyword to show an ad, the user lands on your website by clicking on an affiliate’s ad with your brand keyword, you are then paying your affiliate again for the same user. Why is your bidding cost hitting the sky? It’s not just you bidding on your brand keywords, your competitors and affiliates are also sailing in the same boat and bidding on your brand keywords, which in return is making your campaign budgets bleed dollars. Save yourself time and money – You could simply solve this Today in the world of ML, AI, and IOT, automation is the solution. You just need a course of action to track your keywords on different search engines and free yourself from the manual & half-cooked information. Brand Safety solution from mFilterIt has a ‘Search Abuse’ solution through which you can run through the ads of your competitors who are using your brand keywords. You can dive deeper into your competitor strategy by knowing their whereabouts, in terms of locations and time. This information helps you optimize your campaigns. This solution also gives you campaign insights that are being run by your affiliates, using your brand keywords. You can control your bidding cost by asking your affiliate to not use your keywords. Besides that, you could see the ad copy of the affiliate to have a look if the ad is conveying any misleading information about your brand. All of this requires no integration which means, the solution runs on its own to give you the information that will help you make better marketing strategies and control your keyword biding cost.

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