Tag: digital advertising

Digital Commerce Intelligence
Cross-border Commerce: Optimize New Opportunities with Digital Commerce Intelligence
The world of e-commerce is expanding the international borders are no longer a hindrance in reaching...
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Know The Unknown Cause Behind Your Abnormally High Installs
The shift towards digital advertising brought many major changes in the way of advertising. In comparison...
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Know How Your Brand is Under Threat Due to Incent Campaigns
Marketers have come a long way in the journey of advertising. In traditional advertising, marketers use...
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How to Keep Your Brands Safe Online: Problems and Solutions
What are the threats to your brand online? In what ways can image security and ad safety be incorporated...
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Travel Meta Search Engines
Travel Meta Search Engines – How Fraudsters Are Ruining It?
After 2 long years, the travel industry is taking shape again. And this time it has come up with a hot...
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How to Build a Robust Approach to Brand Safety?
Programmatic native advertising is on the rise. It is a technique to incorporate marketing assets and...
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The Myths Around Brand Safety and How to Combat Them
In explaining brand safety, people often use the example of how a display campaign can go wrong. An example...
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Rising Menace of Ad Fraud in the MENA Region
In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region digital advertising has recently witnessed widespread...
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This Is All You Need to Know about Mobile App Fraud
Mobile app fraud to remain a key security concern in 2021 We’ve come a long way from the onset of the...
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Types of Mobile Advertising Fraud Across Industries
India has witnessed an exponential rise in smartphone usage, internet penetration, which has furthered...
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