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Click Fraud Decoded
If you are a digital advertiser, you have been stung by click fraud many times. But there are ways to...
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How Conversion Rate Links with Ad Fraud?
What is the Conversion Rate? When advertisers run ad campaigns, their ads are displayed thousands of...
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Why Shouldn’t You Be Doing Video Marketing Without Ad Fraud Bot Management?
In the post-Covid-19 scenario, video marketing will take center stage in content-driven campaigns and...
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Protect Your Ad Campaigns from Invalid Traffic
As a publisher, you need to make sure that your content is up-to-date, accurate, and easy to understand...
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Are Your Partners Bidding on Your Brand Keywords on Search Engines?
Finding your partners/dealers/affiliates etc., in position 1 for your brand terms can be very frustrating....
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PepsiCo’s D2c is a Big Sign of Digital Commerce Becoming Mainstream for Brands
PepsiCo announced two new direct-to-consumer offerings to shop directly online. So far, the approach...
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Importance of Brand Safety in Performance Marketing
Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room”- Jeff Bezos. The...
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How to Tackle Click Injection?
In the click injection, Click is injected where a malicious publisher(apps) on the phone notices that...
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Identifying Click Spam Deterministically
Within the gamut of techniques resorted by fraudsters to ad fraud, koi dikh is the most common SIVT (Sophisticated...
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Decoding mFilterIt
Many times, team mFilterIt is asked one basic but important question. What does the name mFilterIt stand...
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Brands Vs BOTs: Importance of Decoding BOT Fraud
Alan’s Turning remarkable theory formed the basis of computer science today. His famous test ‘The Imitation...
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How Could Ad Fraud Land You Up Dating BOTs?
Unaware of the complexities in tech, users end up interfacing with machines. Ad fraud is seen from a...
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